Sector Opportunities
Fiji offers a compelling investment proposition and has a stable political environment that encourages economic growth and development. Continued investment in infrastructure, education and training have implications not only for the attractiveness of Fiji as a location to investors, but also for the quality of inward investment.
Fiji’s pristine ocean boasts diverse resources of marine life species that ranges from finfish products such yellow fin tuna, big eye tuna, albacore tuna, marlin, swordfish, mahi-mahi, deep water fish like snapper and reef fish species such as sea-bream, trevally, groupers, coral trout and rock cods. Aquaculture products include prawn, seaweed, giant clam and tilapia farming.
Fiji is blessed with a forest cover of 1.1 million hectares (ha) which covers 60% of our total land area and contributes around FJD$544 million annually in terms of ecosystem services. It continues to support increased export earnings, foreign & local investment, increased employment and economic growth, and support future generations.
A country’s health care system consists of both the public and private sectors, with the private one increasingly complementing public services. As countries in the developing world become wealthier their citizens may choose to use private health services to address their health needs. As a result, the private health sector in emerging markets can offer attractive returns to investors – from both the commercial and social perspectives.